Homeschooling Ideas

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Hey parents!

I don’t know about you, but when I was thrown into the reality of homeschooling I had a day or so of complete fear and anxiety! I’ve never been the amazing Pinterest mom that can whip up a batch of ANYTHING and have my kids play with it for hours and #imokwiththat

So, I reached out to friends and my fit community and everyone pitched in to help one another. I’m hoping one of these activities may help you too! Please share with anyone that may need some ideas and stay tuned to my Instagram channel and stories >> @bodyrebooted and I’ll keep sharing whatever I can find!! And HANG IN THERE….You’re doing GREAT! xo

Sweat & Love, Christina


  • Journal what you see outside in your yard.
  • Draw pictures of plants/flowers in your yard.
  • Jump on a trampoline.
  • Count how many walking lunges you can do to get from one side of the yard to the other. 
  • Take pictures of flowers, birds and insects as you walk around your neighborhood.
  • Do a scavenger hunt - the kids and I did this one today and they loved it >> nature scavenger hunt game 


  • Make sensory bins out of rice and beans and hide erasers, plastic flowers and plastic dinosaurs in there for them to find.
  • Make sock puppets.
  • Paint a picture.
  • Make a lucky charms necklace (doubles as a snack)!
  • Make a batch of rainbow slime or your own >> playdough with essential oils


  •  Grow Crystals
  •  Make an Ivory Soap Cloud
  • DIY Lava Lamp
  • Oreo Moon Phases
  • Download a coding app like >> Swift Playgrounds
  • How many drops of water can you put on a coin?
  • Make an >> apple toothpick tower


  • Free >> Kids and Family workouts via Beachbody - no sign up required!
  • Have kids create their own workout and do it with them. My son likes to do jumping jacks, pushups and sit ups.
  • Have a dance party in your living room!
  • Create some tunes by using your body only. Stomp, whistle, hum, drum, clap and have fun with it!
  • Create an obstacle course inside or out and try and beat your best time or race your family.


  • Practice/Learn/Teach >> cursive handwriting
  • Write your teacher a note about what you’re doing with your home teacher.
  • Interview a family member and write a biography about them.
  • Read a story to your younger sibling.
  • Create and write your own story then read it to your family.
  • Read 1 chapter a day from a book of your choosing. 

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