Red, White and Blue Treats

I love that my son is 5 going on 15 because he’s so hands on these days. His brain is constantly searching for new challenges and adventures and today it led us to the kitchen…finally! 😉

With July 4th just around the corner we decided that something red, white and blue was definitely on the menu!

We wanted it to be fun finger food and perfect for a BBQ so we came up with 2 different options that we could make together.

First up: Anything on a stick is always a hit and this was definitely his favorite. All you need is some long wooden skewers, raspberries, blueberries and marshmallows and in just a few minutes you’ll have yourself some red, white and blue kabobs that kids and adults alike will love. Here’s the recipe:

Red, White & Blue Kabobs


  • 8 long wooden skewers
  • handful of raspberries, washed
  • handful of blueberries, washed
  • handful of marshmallows


Take one skewer and slide on raspberries, blueberries and marshmallows in any order of your choosing until the skewer is filled up. Share and enjoy!

Next in line: Even though I’m allergic to strawberries, this next treat was super fun to make and it looks really cool. You’ll need some fresh strawberries, vanilla frosting and blue sugar sprinkles. Here’s the recipe:

Red ,White & Blue Strawberries


  • 10 large strawberries, washed and pat dry
  • 1/2 cup gluten-free vanilla frosting
  • blue sugar sprinkles


  1. Wash and pat dry strawberries.
  2. Stir frosting until nice and airy.
  3. Pour blue sugar sprinkles into small bowl.
  4. Dip 2/3 of strawberry into icing and then the bottom 1/3 into blue sprinkles and place on serving plate.
  5. Continue with all strawberries and place plate into refrigerator until ready to serve.

I hope you enjoy making these fun and tasty treats with your little ones for years to come. What’s your favorite 4th of July treat to make?



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