Weigh Day #15 - I control my actions

Happy Healthy Hump Day!

IMG_0288Today’s marks my 15th weigh in  - just one week shy of starting eDiets 4 months ago!  If you saw my video last week, you probably saw that my success with losing weight has been a bit of an emotional ride.  I think it just hit me that I did this on my own with healthy eating and exercise.  There were no shots, or weight loss magic pills, or surgery.  I stayed focused, I controlled my actions (eating & exercising) and I started making the RIGHT choices.  It felt so liberating to know that I control my actions.

A perfect example of this was last week.  My hubby and I went to the movies on a day that was NOT my cheat day.  Now, I don’t know about any of you - but I have NEVER been able to go to the movie theater and not get sucked in to eating buttered popcorn.  The glorious smell of fresh popped kernels is overwhelming as soon as you step foot inside the building.  My mouth starts watering and the next thing you know I’m sitting in the theater mindlessly eating away.  But not this time!!  This time, I WON that battle as I purchased an ice-cold water and sipped it throughout the entire movie.  It may seem pretty insignificant to some people, but to me - this was a HUGE deal.  And it’s those small and consistent actions of triumph that are developing me into a strong, fearless, confident woman. :)

OK - now onto the good stuff….today I am weighing in at 173 pounds!!!

I’m so stoked!  Please take a moment to check out my Before & After page so you can see my current stats and updated pics.

Stay Tuned - next week I’m going to put up a summary of weight and inches lost overall for each of the last 4 months on eDiets.  Can’t wait!


  • http://thesupremeforce.wordpress.com thesupremeforce

    Keep up the inspirational work! I also managed to skip popcorn the last time I went to a movie, so I can relate.

  • http://myedietsjourney.com christinarussell

    Thanks! It was sooo difficult, especially since my hubby was eating nachos and chicken finger bites right next to me!!