Christina Russell is very passionate about fitness, nutrition, and helping others transform themselves through healthy food choices and exercise habits. - Stacey Morris

  1. Exercise with a Bingo Twist

    Looking for a new twist on fitness? Check out these 3 creative ideas using a classic game: Bingo!

  2. Food Fight Week 6

    This week is my last video until week 12!! See which foods I have to cut out from my diet entirely, learn all about this week's superfood and my new smoothie!

  3. Soothing Smoothie

    Soothing Smoothie Mix all ingredients together and serve! Serves 1

  4. Move. Nourish. Believe: Week 1

    Once you reach your weight loss goals and you feel like you are in a really good place; both mentally and physically, the challenge is to continue staying motivated. One of the best ways that I've discovered how to do this is to constantly challenge yourself, so this month, I joined my SweatPink sisterhood in the #MNBchallenge by

  5. Everybody Sweats

    I sweat, you sweat, even our little ones sweat, and it's not just after a DDP Yoga workout.

  6. Salba Chia Seeds Review and Giveaway!

    From Doctor Oz to Women's Health Magazine to Food & Wine Magazine, chia seeds have been the most talked about superfood of the new year. So what are they exactly and why are they so super?

  7. Supercharged Chia Seed Pudding FI

    Supercharged Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding

    You don't have to feel guilty eating this pudding because it packs a healthy punch with 3 different Superfoods: Chia Seeds, Maca, and Cacao!

  8. The Journey of 1000 Miles…Begins with a Single Step

    The Journey Begins with a Single Step

  9. FFW5 Title

    Food Fight - Week 5

    Watch the video below to see how I fared during Superbowl week!

  10. Cherry Smash Smoothie

    Cherry Smash Smoothie Mix all ingredients together and serve! Serves 1

  11. A Big DDP Yoga Thanks to the one & only - Diamond Dallas Page

    A big THANK YOU video to Diamond Dallas Page - DDP! You've changed my life completely!

  12. DDP Yoga Challenge Winner

    2014 DDP Yoga Challenge Winner for inspirational blogging.

  13. Food Fight - Week 4

    Alas, I have made through one whole month of my food fight!!! Watch below to see my recap and learn more about this week's superfood and smoothie!