New Year - New Start

Happy New Year!!!

I love new years…they are kind of like Mondays but without the blues!  Each new year is a big blank canvas with endless possibilities and it’s up to us to decide how we are going to fill that canvas throughout the year.  2013 was such an incredible year for me mentally and physically.  To see my recap click here.  It’s going to be challenging to top last year - but with the goals and dreams I have lined up on my wish list - I may just do it!!

To kick off this new year - I have decided to go all-in and implement my ALCAT results.  As most of you know, I got tested for food sensitivities late last year in hopes that I would find a trigger for my eczema.  When the test results came back I was a little less than thrilled to see a LOT of my favorite foods on the severe & moderate intolerance list.  BUT - sometimes the hardest things in life can be the most rewarding & with that in mind - I am going forward and eliminating those foods starting NOW!  Here’s my list:

Throughout this journey I’ll be posting weekly videos to my YouTube channel and I’ll be posting some very creative new recipes.  I’ve also started juicing daily with the addition of superfoods, so those will be highlighted as well.  Stay tuned and let the journey begin!

Christina Russell

I'm just a girl who overcame obstacles to shine brighter than ever before! Join me on my journey towards optimal health!