Top 7 Apps for your 2015 Goals

It’s the start of 2015 and you know what that means…resolutions, resolutions, and more resolutions!

If you’re like 75% of the population you probably made some kind of resolution to improve your health and fitness in the upcoming year.

Well NEVER FEAR! You’re TOP 7 Apps are here!

Check out the list below and get the TOP APPS for Android & iOS and make 2015 your year to take back your health!


Here we go:

  1. Seven (iOS) - Based on the 7 minute workout featured in the NY Times Magazine - Workout 7 minutes every day for 7 months. FREE - also on Android & Windows Phone
  2. Runtastic Pro (Android) - Tracks routes and data and integrates music player for a seamless workout great for runners, cyclists, hikers and walkers. $4.99
  3. Lose It! (iOS) - Comprehensive weight loss program - track food and exercise, plan meals, stay motivated. FREE
  4. Cookpad Recipes (Android) - Formerly AllTheCooks, Cookpad Recipes helps you add recipes, find new ones and create shopping lists. FREE
  5. Fitocracy (iOS) - Workout exercise log and personal fitness coach for weight loss. FREE - also available on Android.
  6. Google Fit (Android) - Get healthy by becoming aware, active and motivated. FREE
  7. Coming Soon: DDP YOGA NOW! (Android & iOS) - This app is being coined ‘The Netflix of Fitness  Apps’. It will have hundreds of workouts on demand, LIVE workouts, LIVE cooking shows, position demos, recipes and more! Stay tuned for more info.






    Comment by Kerri — 5 January, 2015 @ 12:47 pm

  2. You’re going to love it!

    Comment by Christina Russell — 5 January, 2015 @ 4:10 pm

  3. I cannot wait for the DDP Yoga app!!!

    Comment by Holly — 5 January, 2015 @ 1:30 pm

  4. It’s so awesome - can’t wait for it to go LIVE!

    Comment by Christina Russell — 5 January, 2015 @ 4:10 pm

  5. cant’t wait for the DDP Yoga app

    Comment by deanna — 6 January, 2015 @ 6:54 am

  6. Can’t wait for you to see it!

    Comment by Christina Russell — 6 January, 2015 @ 9:39 pm

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