What’s on your list?

I had an amazing birthday weekend full of family, friends, food, & fun, thanks to my amazing hubby.  Not only did he throw me a sweet (almost) surprise party, he went out of his way to track down a gluten-free, dairy-free baker and had a huge birthday cake made along with mini-cupcakes for the kids!  Gluten-free goodness all around - now that earned him some bonus points! :)

While visiting with our friends, I was complimented on my last post about my 25 goals for the next year of my life.  (You can read it here if you missed it).  He mentioned that he should do the same thing, but didn’t really know where to start. So, today’s post is all about How To Write Y0ur Own Personal Goals.

Goals can be set up for many areas of your life.  Whether you choose to set goals for your family, career, health, education, or spirituality - these steps will help you reach them!

Step 1 - Visualize what you want to achieve.  Where do you want to be in a year?  What do you want to be able to do?  What changes need to take place?  Making your answers specific will help your goals become clearer.

Step 2 - Write down your goals & have them be positive.  Writing down our goals creates an instruction manual for our subconscious mind to carry out.  If your goal is to build a treehouse - close your eyes and visualize the treehouse.  Climb up the ladder and look down at the flowerbeds from inside the treehouse window.  Look inside at the walls, roof, & floor.  Can you see it?  So can your subconscious.  By thinking positive in your mind and in everyday life you will yield more positive results.

Step 3 - Be specific in your goals.  Don’t just say ‘lose 20 pounds’… Say ‘lose 20 pounds by doing DDPYoga daily M-F for 30 minutes and eating a gluten-free, cow-dairy free lifestyle.  There is no confusion with specific goals. 

Step 4 - Make a plan of action.  How will you achieve your goal?  What will you do daily, weekly, and monthly to make sure your goal is met?  Write it down and review it every single day.  Keep it fresh in your mind, visualize the goal being met, and keep reinforcing it with positive self-talk.  

By following these steps, not only will you be able to create your own list of personal goals, but you’ll be able to succeed in reaching them.  Congratulations - you are now on your way to unlimited success!


Christina Russell

I'm just a girl who overcame obstacles to shine brighter than ever before! Join me on my journey towards optimal health!