February Fab and Fit Challenge - WIN BIG!

January is almost gone, but hopefully your New Year’s Resolutions are still in tact!

If you’ve made some weight loss resolutions but need a small push to do better, then THIS is the Challenge for YOU! 

Here’s how it works…

  1. Bet $25
  2. Lose 4% in 30 days
  3. Split the Pot!

If you weigh 150 pounds - you’d only have to lose 6 pounds to win!  That’s only 1.5 pounds a week which is totally doable. (Please NO crash dieting!!)

EVERYONE can win so let’s do this!  Challenge Starts:  Monday, February 2nd!

Go to www.dietbet.com/bodyrebooted to SIGN UP TODAY!

I’ll be around the entire month to help in any way that I can or you can find me at Facebook or @BodyRebooted on Twitter & Instagram, and on the challenge page: www.dietbet.com/bodyrebooted. And I’ll be doing it along with you!



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